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Round Milling Insert - RDMT ...MO-M RT305H

Price ab €3.90
Availability: 9999990 In Stock
Shape RDMT
Processing Medium
Workpiece Material Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, Special Alloys, Hardened Steel
Grade RT305H: PVD-coated High-Performance grade for a wide range of usage
Packaging unit 10 Pc.

I.C. S
RDMT 10T3MO-M RT305H 10 3,97
RDMT 1204MO-M RT305H 12 4,76

Face Mill - TK45 SE12/SEET 12T3...

Price ab €69.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Face Mill
Insert SE... 12... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D Z d L a Insert
TK45 SE12 D050 A22 Z04-H mit IK 50 4 22 40 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D063 A22 Z05-H mit IK 63 5 22 40 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D080 A27 Z06-H mit IK 80 6 27 50 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D100 A32 Z07-H mit IK 100 7 32 50 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D125 B40 Z08 125 8 40 63 6 SE... 12...

Disc Milling Cutter - BSDF CC..

Price ab €147.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill
Insert CC...
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

  D a d B Z T max Insert
BSDF CC06 D80x8 d27 Z10 T19 80 8 27 12 10 19 CC... 06...
BSDF CC06 D100x10 d32 Z12 T22,5 100 10 32 12 12 22,5 CC... 06...
BSDF CC06 D125x10 d40 Z14 T29 125 10 40 14 14 29 CC... 06...
BSDF CC06 D160x10 d40 Z16 T47,5 160 10 40 14 16 47,5 CC... 06...
BSDF CC09 D80x12 d27 Z08 T17,5 80 12 27 16 8 17,5 CC... 09...
BSDF CC09 D100x12 d32 Z10 T22,5 100 12 32 16 10 22,5 CC... 09...
BSDF CC09 D125x12 d40 Z12 T29 125 12 40 16 12 29 CC... 09...
BSDF CC09 D160x12 d40 Z14 T45 160 12 40 16 14 45 CC... 09...
BSDF CC09 D200x12 d40 Z16 T70 200 12 40 16 16 70 CC... 09...
BSDF CC12 D200x16 d40 Z12 T70 200 16 40 20 12 70 CC... 12...

Particularly economical thanks to the use of ISO indexable inserts of type CCMT/CCGT

High Feed Mill - HTK LNMX 0904

Price ab €75.00
Availability: 2147483633 In Stock

Mill type High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0904
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d L a Z Insert
HTK BL09 D40 A16 Z05-H 40 16 40 1,5 5 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D42 A16 Z05-H 42 16 40 1,5 5 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D50 A22 Z06-H 50 22 40 1,5 6 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D52 A22 Z06-H 52 22 40 1,5 6 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D63 A22 Z07-H 63 22 40 1,5 7 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D66 A27 Z08-H 66 27 50 1,5 8 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D80 A27 Z10-H 80 27 50 1,5 10 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D100 A32 Z12-H 100 32 50 1,5 12 LNMX 0904

Chamfer Mill - HF25...TC...

Price ab €36.00
Availability: 10000000 In Stock

Mill type Chamfer  Mill
Insert TC... 
Winkel 25°
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D1°/D2° = 25°

D1 D2 Z L l d Insert
HF25 TCMT16.. D17~30 W16 L100 Z01 30 17 1 100 30 16 TC 16...

Solid Carbide HPC Mill with neck relief grinding - Short Version

Price ab €13.50
Availability: 2147483565 In Stock

Mill Type Solid Carbide End mill 
Helix Angle 35°/38°
Workpiece Material Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron
Processing Roughing and Finish
Length Short version
Shank Weldon Shank
Flutes 4
Grade RT405: PVD-TiAlN-coated high-performance grade
for solid carbide milling cutters
Packaging unit 1 Pc



- 4-Flute Solid Carbide Cutter 
- Centre Cutting
- Roughing/finishing

 D d(h6) d1 H M L Z
4.0  6 3,7 8 16 54 4
5.0  6 4,7 9 17 54 4
6.0  6 5,7 10 18 54 4
8.0  8 7,7 12 22 58 4
10.0  10 9,5 14 26 66 4
12.0  12 11,5 16 28 73 4
16.0  16 15,5 22 34 82 4
20.0  20 19,5 26 42 92 4

Solid carbide thread milling cutter

Price ab €41.90
Availability: 2147483629 In Stock

Mill Typ Solid Carbide Thread Milling Cutter
Material Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, NF-Materials
Processing Thread Milling
Shaft Cylindrical Shaft
Coating RT402: PVD-coated P20-M30/K20-K30 carbide grade for machining steel and cast iron. Particularly suitable for thread forming tools.
Packaging unit 1 Pc


Gew. P D d L
Z Core Drill
HGF-Z3-M3x0,5 RT402
M3 0,5 2,35 4 50 6 3 2,5
HGF-Z3-M4x0,7 RT402
M4 0,7 3,15 4 50 8 3 3,3
HGFF-Z3-M5x0,5 RT402 * M5 0,5 4,3 6 50 10 3 4,5
HGF-Z3-M5x0,8 RT402 M5 0,8 4 6 50 10 3 4,2
HGFF-Z4-M6x0,75 RT402 * M6 0,75 5 6 60 12 4 5,25
HGF-Z4-M6x1,0 RT402 M6 1 4,75 6 60 12 4 5
HGFF-Z4-M8x1,0 RT402 * M8 1 6,65 8 60 16 4 7
HGF-Z4-M8x1,25 RT402 M8 1,25 6,45 8 60 16 4 6,75
HGF-Z4-M10x1 RT402 * M10 1 8,55 10 75 20 4 9
HGFF-Z4-M10x1,5 RT402 M10 1,5 8,1 10 75 20 4 8,5
HGFF-Z4-M12x1,25 RT402 * M12 1,25 10,25 12 75 24 4 10,75
HGF-Z4-M12x1,75 RT402 M12 1,75 9,75 12 75 24 4 10,25
HGFF-Z4-M14x1,0 RT402 * M14 1 12,35 14 75 20 4 13
HGFF-Z4-M14x1,5 RT402 * M14 1,5 11,9 14 75 28 4 12,5
HGF-Z4-M14x2,0 RT402 M14 2 11,4 14 75 28 4 12
HGF-Z6-M16x2,0 RT402 M16 2 13,3 16 90 32 6 14
HGFF-Z6-M18x1,0 RT402 * M18 1 16,15 18 90 20 6 17
HGF-Z6-M18x2,5 RT402 M18 2,5 14,75 18 90 36 6 15,5
HGFF-Z6-M20x2 RT402 * M20 2 17,1 18 100 40 6 18
HGF-Z6-M20x2,5 RT402 M20 2,5 16,65 18 100 40 6 17,5

T-Slot Mill - TF90

Price ab €99.00
Availability: 214748362 In Stock

Mill typ T-Slot Cutters
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d d1 L l Z a t max Insert
TF90 CC06 D40x12
L120 Z06 T9
40 25 22 120 40 6 12 9 CCMT/CCGT 0602...
TF90 CC06 D45x8
L120 Z06 T10
45 32 25 120 45 6 8 10 CCMT/CCGT 0602...
TF90 CC06 D45x10
L120 Z06 T10
45 32 25 120 45 6 10 10 CCMT/CCGT 0602...
TF90 CC06 D50x8
L120 Z06 T12,5
50 32 25 120 45 6 8 12,5 CCMT/CCGT 0602...
TF90 CC06 D50x10
L120 Z06 T12,5
50 32 25 120 45 6 10 12,5 CCMT/CCGT 0602...
TF90 CC06 D55x8
L120 Z08 T15
55 32 25 120 45 8 8 15 CCMT/CCGT 0602...
TF90 CC06 D55x10
L120 Z08 T15
55 32 25 120 45 8 10 15 CCMT/CCGT 0602...

Particularly economical thanks to the use of ISO indexable inserts of type CCMT/CCGT 0602..

Shoulder Mill - MK90 AN

Price ab €59.00
Availability: 2147483627 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill 90°
Insert ANGX... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

With cooling holes

ANGX11 ØD Ød L ap max Z Insert
MK90 AN11 D040 A16 Z05-H 40 16 40 11,2 5 ANGX 11..
MK90 AN11 D050 A22 Z06-H 50 22 40 11,2 6 ANGX 11..
MK90 AN11 D063 A22 Z07-H 63 22 40 11,2 7 ANGX 11..


ANGX15 ØD Ød L ap max Z Insert
MK90 AN15 D050 A22 Z04-H 50 22 40 14,5 4 ANGX 15..
MK90 AN15 D063 A22 Z05-H 63 22 40 14,5 5 ANGX 15..
MK90 AN15 D080 A27 Z07-H 80 27 50 14,5 7 ANGX 15..
MK90 AN15 D100 B32 Z09-H 100 32 50 14,5 9 ANGX 15..

Indexable insert - RDMW ...MO-H RT305H

Price ab €3.90
Availability: 2147483377 In Stock
Shape RDMW
Processing Medium
Workpiece Material Steel, Cast Iron, Hardened Steel
Grade RT305H: PVD-coated High-Performance grade for a wide range of usage
Packaging unit 10 Pc.

I.C. S
RDMW 10T3MO-H RT305H 10 3,97
RDMW 1204MO-H RT305H 12 4,76

Disc Milling Cutter - SBMB...

Price ab €328.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill
Insert SNHX
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

  D d C H a T max Z Form
SBMB SN12 D63x4 A22 Z6 63 22 32 40 4 14 6 A
SBMB SN12 D80x4 A22 Z8 80 22 40 40 4 18 8 A
SBMB SN12 D100x4 A27 Z10 100 27 48 50 4 23 10 A
SBMB SN12 D63x5 A22 Z6 63 22 32 40 5 14 6 A
SBMB SN12 D80x5 A22 Z8 80 22 40 40 5 18 8 A
SBMB SN12 D100x5 A27 Z10 100 27 48 50 5 23 10 A
SBMB SN12 D63x6 A22 Z6 63 22 32 40 6 14 6 A
SBMB SN12 D80x6 A22 Z8 80 22 40 40 6 18 8 A
SBMB SN12 D100x6 A27 Z10 100 27 48 50 6 23 10 A
SBMB SN12 D125x6 B40 Z12 125 40 72 50 6 23 12 B
SBMB SN12 D160x6 B40 Z16 160 40 70 60 6 41 16 B

Face Mill - MK 45 ODHT06

Price ab €109.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock
Mill type Face Mill
Platte ODHT 06...
Packaging unit 1 piece

Compatible with WALTER ODHT 0605... System

D D1 d L ap max Z Version
MK45 OD06 D50 A22 Z04-H mit IK 50 60 22 40 4 4 A
MK45 OD06 D63 A22 Z05-H mit IK 63 73 22 40 4 5 A
MK45 OD06 D80 A27 Z06-H mit IK 80 90 27 50 4 6 A
MK45 OD06 D100 A32 Z07-H mit IK 100 110 27 50 4 7 A
MK45 OD06 D125 B40 Z08 125 135 32 63 4 8 B

Solid Carbide HPC Mill with neck relief grinding - Standard Length

Price ab €13.50
Availability: 2147483496 In Stock

Mill Type Solid Carbide End mill 
Helix Angle 35°/38°
Workpiece Material Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron
Processing Roughing and Finish
Length Standard Length
Shaft Weldon Shaft
Flutes 4
Grade RT405: PVD-TiAlN-coated high-performance grade
for solid carbide milling cutters
Packaging unit 1 Pc



- 4 flute solid carbide cutter 
- Centre cutting
- Roughing/finishing

 D d(h6) d1 H M L
3.0 6 2,7 8 14 57
4.0  6 3,7 11 19 57
5.0  6 4,7 13 21 57
6.0  6 5,7 13
21 57
8.0  8 7,7 19
27 63
10.0  10 9,5 22
32 72
12.0  12 11,5
38 83
16.0  16 15,5 32 44 92
20.0  20 19,5 38 54 104

High Feed Mill - HST LNMX 0904

Price ab €116.00
Availability: 2147483637 In Stock

Mill typ High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0904
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d L l Z ap max Insert
HST BL09 D25 W25 L150 Z03-H 25 25 150 40 3 1,5 LNMX 0904
HST BL09 D32 W32 L150 Z04-H 32 32 150 40 4 1,5 LNMX 0904

T-Slot Mill - TF90 6mm

Price ab €133.00
Availability: 2147483640 In Stock

Mill typ T-Slot Cutters
Insert SP...
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

Teeths = 6

D d d1 L l a t max Insert
TF90 SP05 D40x06 W16
L120 Z06 T11,5
40 16 15,5 120 25 6 11,5 SP... 05...
TF90 SP05 D50x06 W16
L120 Z06 T15,5
50 16 15,5 120 25 6 15,5 SP... 05...

Chamfer Mill - HF45...TC...

Price ab €39.00
Availability: 2147483632 In Stock

Mill typ Chamfer  Mill
Insert TC... 
Winkel 45°
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D1°/D2° = 45°

D1 D2 Z L l d Insert
HF45 TC11.. D4~15 W16 L100 Z01 15 4 1 100 30 16 TC. 11...
HF45 TC16.. D5~26 W16 L100 Z01 26 5 1 100 30 16 TC. 16...
HF45 TC16.. D10~31 W20 L100 Z02 31 10 2 100 35 20 TC. 16...
HF45 TC16.. D14~35 W20 L100 Z02 35 14 2 100 40 20 TC. 16...
HF45 TC16.. D22~43 W25 L100 Z03 43 22 3 100 40 25 TC. 16...

Shoulder Mill - SF90 AN

Price ab €69.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill 90°
Insert ANGX... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

With cooling holes

ØD Ød L1 L Z ap max Wendeplatte
SF90 AN11 D25 W25 L100 Z2-H 25 25 32 100 2 11,2 ANGX 11..
SF90 AN11 D32 W32 L115 Z3-H 32 32 40 115 3 11,2 ANGX 11..
SF90 AN15 D32 W32 L125 Z2-H 32 32 40 125 2 14,5 ANGX 15..
SF90 AN15 D40 W32 L125 Z3-H 40 32 40 125 3 14,5 ANGX 15..


High Feed Milling Insert - LNMX 0303-MU RT300/RT330

Price ab €4.70
Availability: 99999980 In Stock
Shape LNMX
Processing High Feed
Workpiece Material Steel and Stainless Steel

RT300: PVD-coated P15-P25 and M10-M25 for universal use in steel and stainless steel

RT330: PVD-coated P15-P25 and M10-M25 with additional TiN-coating for improved wear-detection

Packaging unit 10 Pc.



  L apmax W S r
LNMX 0303-MU RT300 11,86 1,00 6 4,29 1,20
LNMX 0303-MU RT330 New! 11,86 1,00 6 4,29 1,20


Disc Milling Cutter - SBOB...

Price ab €428.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill
Insert SNHX 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

  D d C H a T max Z Form
SBOB SN12 D100x4 K27 Z10 100 27 45 12 4 25 10 K
SBOB SN12 D125x4 K40 Z12 125 40 56 12 4 32 12 K
SBOB SN12 D160x4 K40 Z16 160 40 67 12 4 44 16 K
SBOB SN12 D100x5 K27 Z10 100 27 45 12 5 25 10 K
SBOB SN12 D125x5 K40 Z12 125 40 56 12 5 32 12 K
SBOB SN12 D160x5 K40 Z16 160 40 67 12 5 44 16 K
SBOB SN12 D100x6 K27 Z10 100 27 45 12 6 25 10 K
SBOB SN12 D125x6 K40 Z12 125 40 56 12 6 32 12 K
SBOB SN12 D160x6 K40 Z16 160 40 67 12 6 44 16 K
SBOB SN12 D200x6 K50 Z18 200 50 71 12 6 62 18 K
SBOB SN12 D250x6 K50 Z24 250 50 71 12 6 87 24 K

High Feed Modular Mill - MHT LNMX 0904

Price ab €88.00
Availability: 214748363 In Stock

Mill typ High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0904
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D Z d1 d2 L l M a
MHT BL09 D25 M12 L35 Z03-H 25 3 21 12,5 35 23 12 1,5
MHT BL09 D32 M16 L43 Z04-H 32 4 29 17 43 23 16 1,5
MHT BL09 D35 M16 L43 Z04-H 35 4 29 17 43 23 16 1,5
MHT BL09 D40 M16 L43 Z05-H 40 5 29 17 43 23 16 1,5