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Face Mill - TK45 SE12/SEET 12T3...
  • -10%

Face Mill - TK45 SE12/SEET 12T3...

Regular price €69.00 Price ab €62.10 -10%
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Face Mill
Insert SE... 12... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D Z d L a Insert
TK45 SE12 D050 A22 Z04-H mit IK 50 4 22 40 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D063 A22 Z05-H mit IK 63 5 22 40 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D080 A27 Z06-H mit IK 80 6 27 50 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D100 A32 Z07-H mit IK 100 7 32 50 6 SE... 12...
TK45 SE12 D125 B40 Z08 125 8 40 63 6 SE... 12...

High Feed Mill - HTK LNMX 0904

Price ab €75.00
Availability: 2147483634 In Stock

Mill type High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0904
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d L a Z Insert
HTK BL09 D40 A16 Z05-H 40 16 40 1,5 5 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D42 A16 Z05-H 42 16 40 1,5 5 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D50 A22 Z06-H 50 22 40 1,5 6 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D52 A22 Z06-H 52 22 40 1,5 6 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D63 A22 Z07-H 63 22 40 1,5 7 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D66 A27 Z08-H 66 27 50 1,5 8 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D80 A27 Z10-H 80 27 50 1,5 10 LNMX 0904
HTK BL09 D100 A32 Z12-H 100 32 50 1,5 12 LNMX 0904

Shoulder Mill - MK90 AN

Price ab €59.00
Availability: 2147483628 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill 90°
Insert ANGX... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

With cooling holes

ANGX11 ØD Ød L ap max Z Insert
MK90 AN11 D040 A16 Z05-H 40 16 40 11,2 5 ANGX 11..
MK90 AN11 D050 A22 Z06-H 50 22 40 11,2 6 ANGX 11..
MK90 AN11 D063 A22 Z07-H 63 22 40 11,2 7 ANGX 11..


ANGX15 ØD Ød L ap max Z Insert
MK90 AN15 D050 A22 Z04-H 50 22 40 14,5 4 ANGX 15..
MK90 AN15 D063 A22 Z05-H 63 22 40 14,5 5 ANGX 15..
MK90 AN15 D080 A27 Z07-H 80 27 50 14,5 7 ANGX 15..
MK90 AN15 D100 B32 Z09-H 100 32 50 14,5 9 ANGX 15..

Face Mill - MK 45 ODHT06

Price ab €109.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock
Mill type Face Mill
Platte ODHT 06...
Packaging unit 1 piece

Compatible with WALTER ODHT 0605... System

D D1 d L ap max Z Version
MK45 OD06 D50 A22 Z04-H mit IK 50 60 22 40 4 4 A
MK45 OD06 D63 A22 Z05-H mit IK 63 73 22 40 4 5 A
MK45 OD06 D80 A27 Z06-H mit IK 80 90 27 50 4 6 A
MK45 OD06 D100 A32 Z07-H mit IK 100 110 27 50 4 7 A
MK45 OD06 D125 B40 Z08 125 135 32 63 4 8 B

High Feed Mill - HST LNMX 0904

Price ab €116.00
Availability: 2147483639 In Stock

Mill typ High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0904
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d L l Z ap max Insert
HST BL09 D25 W25 L150 Z03-H 25 25 150 40 3 1,5 LNMX 0904
HST BL09 D32 W32 L150 Z04-H 32 32 150 40 4 1,5 LNMX 0904

Shoulder Mill - SF90 AN

Price ab €69.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill 90°
Insert ANGX... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

With cooling holes

ØD Ød L1 L Z ap max Wendeplatte
SF90 AN11 D25 W25 L100 Z2-H 25 25 32 100 2 11,2 ANGX 11..
SF90 AN11 D32 W32 L115 Z3-H 32 32 40 115 3 11,2 ANGX 11..
SF90 AN15 D32 W32 L125 Z2-H 32 32 40 125 2 14,5 ANGX 15..
SF90 AN15 D40 W32 L125 Z3-H 40 32 40 125 3 14,5 ANGX 15..


High Feed Modular Mill - MHT LNMX 0904

Price ab €88.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0904
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D Z d1 d2 L l M a
MHT BL09 D25 M12 L35 Z03-H 25 3 21 12,5 35 23 12 1,5
MHT BL09 D32 M16 L43 Z04-H 32 4 29 17 43 23 16 1,5
MHT BL09 D35 M16 L43 Z04-H 35 4 29 17 43 23 16 1,5
MHT BL09 D40 M16 L43 Z05-H 40 5 29 17 43 23 16 1,5


Form Mill - ST RD 1003.. / 12T3..

Price ab €66.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Form Milling Cutter
Insert RD.. 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

Plane/copy milling cutter for the classic milling indexable inserts RD..... (15°) in various dimensions.

Indexable inserts RDMT + RDMW + RDKW

D d Z L l a Insert
ST RD1003 D20 W20 L150 Z02 20 20 2 150 40 5 RD... 10...
ST RD1003 D20 C20 L200 Z02 20 20 2 200 50 5 RD... 10...
ST RD12T3 D25 W25 L150 Z02 25 25 2 150 40 6 RD... 12...
ST RD12T3 D25 C25 L200 Z02 25 25 2 200 50 6 RD... 12...
ST RD12T3 D32 W32 L150 Z03 32 32 3 150 40 6 RD... 12...

MK45 SNEG 12 Face Mill

Price ab €117.00
Availability: 2147483633 In Stock

Mill type Face Mill
Insert SNEG 1205..
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D Z d L ap max
MK45 SNEG12 D050 A22 Z05-H 50 5 22 40 7
MK45 SNEG12 D063 A22 Z06-H 63 6 22 40 7
MK45 SNEG12 D080 A27 Z07-H 80 7 27 50 7
MK45 SNEG12 D100 A32 Z09-H 100 9 32 50 7
MK45 SNEG12 D125 B40 Z11 125 11 40 63 7

Shoulder Mill - MK90 AP11

Price ab €59.00
Availability: 2147483630 In Stock

Mill type Side Mill 90°
Insert APKT 11... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

with cooling holes

  D Z d L ap max
MK90-AP11-D040-A16 Z05-H 40 5 16 40 10,5
MK90-AP11-D050-A22 Z06-H 50 6 22 40 10,5
MK90-AP11-D063-A22 Z07-H 63 7 22 40 10,5
MK90-AP11-D080-A27 Z10-H 80 10 27 50 10,5

Form Mill - ST RD 0803../10T3../1204..

Price ab €46.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Form Milling Cutter
Insert RD.. 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

Plane/copy milling cutter for the classic milling indexable inserts RD..... (15°) in various dimensions.

D d Z L l a Insert
ST RD0803 D16 W16 L120 Z02 16 16 2 120 30 4 RD... 0803..
ST RD0803 D20 W20 L120 Z02 20 20 2 120 30 4 RD... 0803..
ST RD0803 D20 C20 L200 Z02 20 20 2 200 50 4 RD... 0803..
ST RD0803 D25 W25 L120 Z03 25 25 3 120 30 4 RD... 0803..
ST RD0803 D25 C25 L200 Z03 25 25 3 200 50 4 RD... 0803..
ST RD10T3 D20 W20 L150 Z02 20 20 2 150 40 5 RD... 10T3..
ST RD10T3 D25 W25 L150 Z02 25 25 2 150 40 5 RD... 10T3..
ST RD10T3 D32 W32 L150 Z03 32 32 3 150 40 5 RD... 10T3..
ST RD1204 D25 W25 L150 Z02 25 25 2 150 40 6 RD... 1204..
ST RD1204 D32 W32 L150 Z03 32 32 3 150 40 6 RD... 1204..

Face Mill - MK45 ON06

Price ab €169.00
Availability: 2147483640 In Stock

Mill typ Face Mill
Insert ONHU 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

ØD ØD1 Ød L Z Insert
MK45 ON06 D050 A22 Z05-H 50 62 22 40 5 ONHU 06...
MK45 ON06 D063 A27 Z07-H 63 75 27 40 7 ONHU 06...
MK45 ON06 D080 A27 Z09-H 80 92 27 50 9 ONHU 06...
MK45 ON06 D100 A32 Z11-H 100 112 32 63 11 ONHU 06...
MK45 ON06 D125 B40 Z14 125 137 40 63 14 ONHU 06...

High Feed Mill - HTK LNMX 0303

Price ab €92.00
Availability: 2147483636 In Stock

Mill typ High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0303
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d L a Z Insert
HTK LN03 D40 A16 Z05-H 40 16 40 1 5 LNMX 0303
HTK LN03 D42 A16 Z05-H 42 16 40 1 5 LNMX 0303
HTK LN03 D50 A22 Z07-H 50 22 40 1 7 LNMX 0303
HTK LN03 D52 A22 Z07-H 52 22 40 1 7 LNMX 0303

Shoulder Mill - SF90 AP11

Price ab €44.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Side Mill 90°
Insert APKT 11... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

with cooling holes

D Z d L1 L ap max Insert
SF90-AP11-D12-W16-L85-Z01-H 12 1 16 25 85 10,5 APKT 11...
SF90-AP11-D16-W16-L90-Z02-H 16 2 16 25 90 10,5 APKT 11...
SF90-AP11-D20-W20-L100-Z03-H 20 3 20 30 100 10,5 APKT 11...
SF90-AP11-D25-W25-L115-Z04-H 25 4 25 35 115 10,5 APKT 11...
SF90-AP11-D32-W32-L125-Z04-H 32 4 32 40 125 10,5 APKT 11...

Face Mill - TK75 AP10 ISO

Price ab €79.00
Availability: 2147483637 In Stock

Mill typ Face Mill
Insert APKT 1003.. 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

With this 75° face milling cutter you can use the cutting edges unused in shoulder milling.
You can therefore use up the APKT 1003..  indexable insert completely.

With cooling holes

D Z d L a Insert
TK75 AP10 D063 A22 Z05-H 63 5 22 40 5 APKT 1003...
TK75 AP10 D080 A27 Z06-H 80 6 27 50 5 APKT 1003...

For all inserts APKT 1003.....ISO

High Feed Mill - HST LNMX 0303

Price ab €88.00
Availability: 2147483621 In Stock

Mill typ High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0303
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d L l Z
HST LN03 D16 W16 L150 Z02-H 16 16 150 40 2
HST LN03 D20 W20 L150 Z03-H 20 20 150 40 3
HST LN03 D25 W25 L150 Z04-H 25 25 150 40 4
HST LN03 D32 W32 L150 Z05-H 32 32 150 40 5

Copy Mill - SRT03

Price ab €124.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill typ Form Milling Cutter
Insert XPHT 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

r ØD e Ød L1 L Z Insert
SRT03-016-G20-S 8 16 16 20 70 150 2 XPHT 16..
SRT03-016-G20-M 8 16 16 20 80 180 2 XPHT 16..
SRT03-020-G25-S 10 20 20 25 80 180 2 XPHT 20..
SRT03-020-G25-M 10 20 20 25 100 200 2 XPHT 20..
SRT03-020-G25-L 10 20 20 25 150 250 2 XPHT 20..
SRT03-020-G25-XL 10 20 20 25 110 300 2 XPHT 20..
SRT03-025-G25-S 12,5 25 25 25 80 180 2 XPHT 25..
SRT03-025-G25-M 12,5 25 25 25 100 200 2 XPHT 25..
SRT03-025-G25-L 12,5 25 25 25 110 250 2 XPHT 25..
SRT03-025-G25-XL 12,5 25 25 25 120 300 2 XPHT 25..

Modular Mill - MT90 APKT11 / EF90-AP11...

Price ab €79.00
Availability: 2147483638 In Stock

Mill typ Modular  Mill
Insert APKT 11... 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D d Z L M ap max
MT90 APKT11 D16 M08 L25 Z02-H 16 15 2 25 8 10,5
MT90 APKT11 D20 M10 L30 Z03-H 20 18 3 30 10 10,5
MT90 APKT11 D25 M12 L35 Z04-H 25 21 4 35 12 10,5
EF90-AP11-D32-M16-L43-Z05 32 29 5 43 16 10,5
EF90-AP11-D40-M16-L43-Z06 40 29 6 43 16 10,5

Face Mill - TK75 AP16 ISO

Price ab €79.00
Availability: 2147483640 In Stock

Mill typ Face Mill
Insert APKT 1604 
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

With this 75° face milling cutter you can use the cutting edges unused in shoulder milling.
You can therefore use up the APKT 1604.. indexable insert completely.

With cooling holes

D Z d L a Insert
TK75 AP16 D063 A22 Z05-H 63 5 22 40 10 APKT 1604...
TK75 AP16 D080 A27 Z06-H 80 6 27 50 10 APKT 1604...

For all inserts APKT 1604.....ISO

High Feed Modular Mill - MHT LNMX 0303

Price ab €79.00
Availability: 214748364 In Stock

Mill type High Feed Mill
Insert LNMX 0303
Packaging unit 1 Pc.

D Z d1 d2 L l M ap max
MHT LN03 D16 M08 L25 Z02-H 16 2 15 8,5 25 17 8 1
MHT LN03 D20 M10 L30 Z03-H 20 3 18 10,5 30 19 10 1
MHT LN03 D25 M12 L35 Z04-H 25 4 21 12,5 35 23 12 1
MHT LN03 D32 M16 L43 Z05-H 32 5 29 17 43 23 16 1
MHT LN03 D35 M16 L43 Z05-H 35 5 29 17 43 23 16 1
MHT LN03 D40 M16 L43 Z06-H 40 6 29 17 43 23 16 1
MHT LN03 D42 M16 L43 Z06-H 42 6 29 17 43 23 16 1